Sunday, April 22, 2012

"In God We Trust Day"

I felt like this was important enough to add a second post today. April 22 is also known as "In God We Trust Day." (Non believers stop reading now... stop back tomorrow) Today is one of those days that makes me know God is everywhere -- and right here with me -- all at the same time. What some call coincidence, I know is the voice of God, whispering to me...

Yesterday, I was thinking of a friend who passed away several years ago. Today in church, the choir sang a song that was also sung at her funeral. It is one I find especially comforting, yet unsettling, all at the same time. Does that make sense? The song, "You are Mine," was written by David Haas. 

I don't think it is any coincidence that I think of my wise friend, hear that particular song and it just happens to be "In God We Trust Day." If there is anything that I have learned as the mom of military boys, you have to trust in God or you just might lose your mind with worry. Having children who have stepped up to the challenge of defending and protecting is daunting. I'm sure I speak for many of us when I say it is a feeling of complete loss of control and power over the course of life events. Being a bit of a control freak, that is hard.

So... for all of you (and me) who need it, here is a link to a beautiful, beautiful song. 

If you don't get to this post on the exact date of "In God We Trust Day," that's okay too. You can trust Him every day, not just April 22. He'll be there waiting for you whenever you need Him.

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