Monday, May 7, 2012

Armed Forces week

This week is set aside to honor all those serving in the United States Armed Forces. This includes the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. 

Thank you all for giving yourselves to serve and protect all of us. 

As we go about living our regular civilian lives, it's important to say thank you to our service men and women. It shouldn't take a date on the calendar to remember that they are there for us, standing ready, when and if we need them. All the hours of training and physical exertion keep these men and women in peak physical form so that they are prepared if and when they are pressed into action on our behalf.

They stand guard. They have our back. We are in excellent hands.

If you cross paths with a member of the Armed Services this week, thank them for their bravery, their fearlessness and the sacrifices they make so that we might live in freedom. 

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