I woke up this morning with a little something niggling around in my brain. Thinking about kids in classrooms, starting their day as kids have done for years and years, saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Kids in my class know that the one thing that the one sure-fire way to get Mrs. Sentz all riled up in the morning is to try to skip saying the Pledge (or not respect the moment of silence that follows).
Nothing bugs me more than kids slumping, slouching, leaning....hand over the right sight of their chest or half-heartedly placed over the left side or looking all over the place instead of directly at the flag. That bugs me! So little is required of us as Americans, yet we can't stand up in the morning and pledge our loyalty to our country.
This is one of the first lessons I teach my class -- stand for something, or you'll fall for anything. (I know that is a country song line, but it's a good one). Stand up for your country, your fellow Americans and the ideals that define us as Americans. Like any other subject in school, Patriotism 101 starts with the Pledge on the very first day of school. If there is one thing I hope my students take with them, it's love and respect for our nation. If they do, I've done my job as a patriot.
Every time I say the Pledge, I think of our service men and women, giving everything that have, standing ready to defend us. I think of the people who have died serving, and I think of the original patriots who won our freedom and established this nation. To me, the flag represents great sacrifice of many, tremendous service of some, and awesome responsibility for the rest of us who enjoy the privilege -- yes, the privilege -- of being an American citizen. Freedom isn't free, not for any of us.
I say the Pledge every day with my students. Not every teacher does, but I surely do. I am sometimes puzzled when I go to an event outside school and the Pledge is said. Some people act as though they can't remember it. Really? Either that or they are ashamed. Not sure which is worse...
Here it is, just because I love it...
The Pledge of Allegiance
I pledge allegiance
to the Flag of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one nation under God,
with Liberty and Justice
for all.
Here is a little treat for today, a link to my husband singing "Old Glory." Accompaniment was by Jackie and Jennifer Christen of Hamburg, NY. They had performed this at a 9/11 commemorative ceremony in 2002. Enjoy!
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